I spent a long time deciding what the title of this post should be. My family comes from the US, so in my American-English I should call this type of ball a soccer ball. But in Israel the sport is called football (translated into kadur-regel which means foot-ball), while the transliterated word “football” is reserved for American football. And calling it a Truncated Icosahedron, well – nobody would get that at all. I’m not even sure how to pronounce that second word.
I decided on soccer ball.
I don’t know if you’ve been following the 2014 FIFA World Cup, but in our house it’s the only thing happening. The TV has been taken over by the men of the house (one of them barely 7 years old) and I have retreated to a distant couch and sit on my own crocheting. Boo-hoo. Hopefully a crochet soccer ball will get me some attention around here!
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