Terms & Conditions
All rights reserved for all the content on this web site including (but not limited to) text, images, files, graphics and design unless permission is explicitly granted in the following terms of use:
Images & Content
- You may share links from this site in any social media platform (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Email etc.). Embedded or preview thumbnails are allowed. You may share images posted on Oomanoot’s social media accounts.
- You may quote or use a short excerpt of the text from this site, as long as you give credit to Oomanoot as the creator of the content, link back to the original post/page and as long as you do not copy full posts.
- You may embed single images (not a sequence contained same post) from this site in another site (including social media platforms), as long as you give credit to Oomanoot as the creator of the image, link back to the original post/page and as long as you do not modify the image in any way (including removing the watermark).
You may not present any content from this site as your own work.
Free Patterns, Tutorials & Printables
- Any patterns, tutorials and printables available for free on this site are for personal use only. If you make items following patterns, tutorials or printables from this site, please link back to the original post.
- You may not sell patterns, tutorials and printables or present them as your own work.
- You may not copy patterns, tutorials and printables to another site.
- You may not sell items made with free patterns, tutorials or printables from this site without explicit permission from Oomanoot. You can purchase a license to sell items made from free patterns, tutorials or printables here.
- Patterns/tutorials marked as “free for commercial use” may be used commercially without a special license, however – if you publish or create a derivative work, please link back to the original post.
If you have any questions or wish to ask for permissions not included in these terms and conditions, please contact me.